This academic year launched Hounslow Language Service Training from our
new base at Brentford School for Girls in Hounslow. On the first days of term,
our EAL Training programmes began in earnest. Over the last few months,
schools have been welcoming new arrivals from a range of countries and EAL
training needs are as important as ever.
On the 1 st September, Andy Harvey went to All Saints Primary School in
Croydon to provide a half day course for the whole school. The aim of his
session was to develop reading and writing for EAL Beginners in the classroom
setting. As always, Andy gave useful examples of the different types and uses
of language and provided a bank of strategies for literacy support in class. On
2nd September, Andy was over at St Georges C of E Primary School in Battersea
delivering a whole day’s training session on ‘Developing the Language of EAL
Beginners in the Classroom’.
Also on the 1 st September, Li Yen French delivered one of our popular
Webinars for Teaching Assistants at the Oliver Tomkins Primary School. She
was focusing on the strategies and priorities for TAs in supporting EAL New
Arrivals. Li Yen stressed the need to build in pastoral care and recognise the
importance of children’s home languages. She shared ideas for linking the TA
work to the language of class topics and building on children’s prior
Working at the Secondary level on September 2nd, Manny Vazquez was at
Canons High School delivering a half day session for the whole school on
‘Curriculum Access for Early Learners of EAL’. He focused on examples from the
Maths and Science curriculum and targeted those EAL pupils whose English
was assessed at Code A or B. As always, Manny gave practical tips and a range
of tried and tested strategies on using key language patterns and models to
improve access to academic English.
As well as our move, we are continuing our webinars as well as face to face
training. As seen above, we offer bespoke courses for schools and would refer
you to our re-vamped website to look at our training programme. If there are
any queries or teething problems, do please get in touch with Rehana on 07891 618408.