HLS Summer Conference 24th June at the Holiday Inn, Brentford Dock (note change of venue!)

HLS Summer Conference 24th June at the Holiday Inn, Brentford Dock (note change of venue!)

  We are celebrating our 5th Summer Conference by targeting a range of key issues for schools with EAL pupils. Steve Cooke, our Keynote Speaker, will address our questions in relation to EAL and the National Curriculum, which places an even greater emphasis on the teaching and learning of grammar. Workshops will include Early Years to Secondary levels and include: Language and Literacy through Stories, Raising the Bar, Teaching Grammar in Subject Contexts and Helping Students produce Extended Writing. Download Flyer
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Secondary Pre-ESOL Course Project in Hounslow

Secondary Pre-ESOL Course Project in Hounslow

An exciting new Project is taking place at Lampton School this term. Secondary age pupils, who are New Arrivals and are waiting for  a school place, are being given the opportunity to join a 12 week course aimed at improving their English in order to either join the Hounslow ESOL course or gain a place in school later in the year. HLS were commissioned by Hounslow Council to write the course materials which included 7 schemes of work for a range of subject areas and  provide 2 days training for the Tutors. The course will be monitored and overseen by HLS…
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CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) Video Conference with  Cunardo School  in Italy

CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) Video Conference with Cunardo School in Italy

CLIL equates to teaching the curriculum through English and has become very popular in European schools. HLS has had recent experience of delivering training for CLIL, for Spanish teachers and in the UK for a range of European teachers. Ten schools in Italy invited HLS to run a video training session for their English and Maths staff. Andy Harvey from Hounslow Language Service was  able to introduce the underlying principles of CLIL which include both content and language skills teaching. Our Italian colleagues gained a lot from this session and are hoping to book some follow up training with us…
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Language of Science Workshop  at the Norfolk MAAS (Minorities Achievement and Attainment Service)

Language of Science Workshop at the Norfolk MAAS (Minorities Achievement and Attainment Service)

At this Conference, which focused on Language Acquisition and Literacy, Manny Vazquez, from Hounslow Language Service , led a Science workshop. This aimed to share some useful strategies to develop communication skills of EAL learners through the Science curriculum. The session finished with participants doing practical activities which involved physics and a ‘coat hanger’ ! A fun time had by all. The keynote speaker and a fellow workshop presenter was Professor Stephen Krashen, whose work on Language Acquisition, Comprehensible Input and Reading is core study for EAL academics.
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EAL Reading Workshop for Beginners at Ramnoth Junior School in Wisbech

EAL Reading Workshop for Beginners at Ramnoth Junior School in Wisbech

In January, the Elliot Foundation held a Conference at Ramnoth Junior School in Wisbech on the Topic of ‘Getting Reading Right’. Andy Harvey, from Hounslow Language Service , provided workshops which focused on ‘Developing Reading for EAL Beginners’. He introduced the importance of recognising that both background knowledge and an understanding of the language system are key to getting meaning from texts. He stressed the need to provide a rich contextual background, building on previous knowledge, using visuals, artifacts, displays and previous vocabulary. Participants were enthused by the range of practical activities and ideas and the very useful HLS Model…
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NQT Training in Hereford

NQT Training in Hereford

Andy Harvey from Hounslow Language Service, was invited by HereTeach to provide EAL training for new teachers in Herefordshire. In fact, the 42 staff attending included several experienced teachers who valued the opportunity to focus on EAL.  In this session, teachers gained knowledge about the needs of Beginner EAL pupils and also how to extend the language skills of more Advanced EAL learners. Teachers commented on the many useful teaching activities and resources which they were going to use in class. They appreciated the practical focus of the day and commented on how helpful many of the differentiation ideas would…
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Fantastic Keynote Presentation by Manny Vazquez at the NALDIC Conference!

Fantastic Keynote Presentation by Manny Vazquez at the NALDIC Conference!

At Saturday’s Conference, at Kings College London, Manny gave a lively and entertaining keynote presentation about how to use EAL assessment effectively. He gave an example of assessing an EAL Beginner and putting together a step by step programme of teaching to support that student in achieving full linguistic competency. This case study illustrated all the challenges of linking local EAL fluency stages to national and international measures such as CEFR new standards as well as new GCSE bands and IELTS. As always, Manny was informative and practical, linking EAL assessment to on-going EAL classroom teaching. We are glad to…
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Training in Doha

Training in Doha

Manny Vazquez and Andy Harvey have just  returned from Doha where they were  delivering  training   at the Al Maha Academy for Boys. Participants came  from the Ta’lluum Group of schools which also includes Al Maha Girls and the Al Jazeera Academy. The 80 Participants included year leaders in Primary and subject leaders in Secondary. The theme of the programme was  developing academic language and literacy for EAL students. The aim is to build capacity among senior staff members, who will then cascade the training in their own areas. If you are interested in this training for your school please…
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New term, new courses

New term, new courses

We are now taking bookings for 8 great new courses running between now and December. Subjects include... WELCOMING BILINGUAL CHILDREN INTO EARLY YEARS SETTINGS DEVELOPING LANGUAGE ACROSS THE CURRICULUM THROUGH GEOGRAPHY ACHIEVING THE NEW STANDARDS FOR EAL STUDENTS IN GCSE ENGLISH To see there full list, view course details and book, please visit our Courses page.
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