HLS Workshops took place recently at an INSET day for Brixton and Lambethschools. Andy Harvey, from HLS, delivered a lively interactive workshopsession focusing on practical classroom strategies aimed at benefiting allpupils. Not just EAL pupils but also SEND pupils, particularly those needingCommunication and Interaction skills or developing areas of Cognition andLearning.You can arrange similar, bespoke, inclusive, practical workshops for yourschool/s either in person, or by webinar, by getting in touch withRehana on 07891618408
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Hounslow Language Service have partnered with EMS (Evaluate My School) to produce an in-depth practical resource for self-evaluation of school EAL provision. This useful tool is not just another checklist or tick sheet. It gives schools an opportunity to identify strengths and target areas for future development. It’s a chance to celebrate achievements whilst also developing an inclusive plan of action that will help ensure success for EAL pupils. Join hundreds of schools and Authorities by signing up to EvaluateMySchool or call Rehana for more information on 07891618408.
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Feedback from school SENCOs suggests that the strategies outlined on our HLScourses are all aimed at inclusion and helping class teachers to support all childrenin the mainstream.The focus on developing oracy in our courses supports those SEN pupils whohave Communication and Interaction difficulties. Our courses provide practical activities to extend the use of vocabulary and sentence structures.HLS courses also support SEN pupils with Cognition and Learning difficulties toaccess the curriculum and revisit learning in a variety of ways. These includeadapting activities, using visual scaffolds, games, displays and collaborativelearning.For more information about courses visit our website or call Rehana on…
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EEF Report on ‘EAL in the Mainstream Classroom’ Project

EEF Report on ‘EAL in the Mainstream Classroom’ Project

The ‘EAL in the Mainstream Classroom’ project aimed to build subject teachers’ expertise in supporting EAL pupils and to improve their attainment. It was designed to develop teachers’ understanding of the key features of academic language in their subject, plan lessons accordingly and build resources that benefit not just EAL pupils but the whole class as well. This programme was managed by Challenge Partners with the training being designed and delivered by Hounslow Language Service and Lampton School. In partnership with 12 delivery centres across the country it was rolled out to over 70 schools in the UK.  Specialist subject…
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EAL Training at Ashford Primary

It was a great start to the new half term working with enthusiastic staff at Ashford Primary on ‘Rapid Progress in Vocabulary Development to Raise  the Attainment of EAL pupils’.  The school has a changing demography and is receiving more EAL children. The head feels strongly that EAL strategies are effective for all pupils including native speakers who come from homes where there isn’t rich language being modelled. These pupils also need to develop the breadth and depth of vocabulary covered in our course.  From the course evaluation, staff felt the course was ‘thought provoking’ and ‘of value to children…
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Following a very successful course with Li Yen French at East Oxford Primary School in the spring. theHead teacher, Russell Kaye, is hosting a similar course for other Oxford schools on June 30th.The whole school INSET day course was ‘Classroom Strategies to support Beginners and Early StageLearners”. He said that the staff were “very happy with the training and already using the strategiesin the classroom.”Russell knew of our Service from his time in Hounslow and has also sent staff on our regularwebinars. If you would like a whole school INSET, please contact Rehana Ahmed (07891 618408) Booking here -
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New Partnership with the ALBAN TEACHING SCHOOL HUB

We are pleased to launch our sessions with the AlbanTSH with 2 webinars in June. The first is suitable for all TAs working from KS! To KS3 and will equip participants with a toolkit of tried and tested classroom strategies. These will support EAL learners across all subject areas with Reading and Writing skills. The second webinar focuses on preparing for the new academic year and provides a useful framework, as well as practical teaching ideas for improving EAL provision. These includes resources to support pupils new to English - from admission through to the classroom. We will cover the…
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EAL Training News

TA Courses for EAL supportIn March, Teaching Assistants in West Acton School took part in an in-house course on ‘Strategies forworking with EAL Pupils’ delivered by Andy Harvey. Feedback included “Excellent activities showinghow to support EAL children in class.” And “Great ideas on how to improve and increase children’svocabulary.”This term, Manny Vazquez has followed up with another in-house course for the West Acton SchoolTAs, “Developing Grammatical Accuracy. “If you would like similar courses for your TAs, please do get in touch.
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This academic year launched Hounslow Language Service Training from ournew base at Brentford School for Girls in Hounslow. On the first days of term,our EAL Training programmes began in earnest. Over the last few months,schools have been welcoming new arrivals from a range of countries and EALtraining needs are as important as ever.On the 1 st September, Andy Harvey went to All Saints Primary School inCroydon to provide a half day course for the whole school. The aim of hissession was to develop reading and writing for EAL Beginners in the classroomsetting. As always, Andy gave useful examples of the…
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