It was a great start to the new half term working with enthusiastic staff at Ashford Primary on ‘Rapid Progress in Vocabulary Development to Raise the Attainment of EAL pupils’.
The school has a changing demography and is receiving more EAL children. The head feels strongly that EAL strategies are effective for all pupils including native speakers who come from homes where there isn’t rich language being modelled. These pupils also need to develop the breadth and depth of vocabulary covered in our course.
From the course evaluation, staff felt the course was ‘thought provoking’ and ‘of value to children beyond EAL’. They came away with ‘lots of ideas for the whole class’ , ‘great starter activities’ and ‘different ways to expand vocabulary’ ‘ for all levels of ability’.
We wish Ashford Primary the very best in their commitment to raise the level of vocabulary for all their children.