Language/EAL Consultant

Manny Vazquez has worked in the field of EAL since 1979 and, following his work as Head of Service, he joined HLS Ltd. He is also a visiting lecturer for MA, PGCE and B Ed courses, and external examiner for an MA in English language teaching. He has been a speaker at international TESOL conferences and he has contributed to a range of professional journals, books and publications on the themes of language/content integration, and EAL assessment. He has also developed DfE materials on EAL and on EAL assessment for the QCA. He was part of the Pan London EAL strategy for the National Strategy, working with a diverse range of schools across London. Recently he was involved in a study for the London Challenge, looking at the issue of schools where pupil mobility is high. He is an accredited trainer for LILAC and works as a consultant for Cambridge as an item writer for the TKT CLIL test. He is a founder member of NALDIC. Manny’s HLS work focuses on secondary schools, providing EAL audits, consultancy and advice. He is also a key trainer for EAL professional development specialising in key stages 3/4/5 and disseminating the REAL project on new arrivals and advanced EAL learners.